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The Cassava Ecosystem is a Web3 ecosystem focused on AI data governance.
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Crypto Made for AI
Through the social data value mining protocol, the Cassava Protocol has established an open artificial intelligence data network called the Cassava Network. We provide infrastructure and incentives for community members to manage, store and share AI data without permission and realise value through user participation.
Within the Cassava Network, AI bots are responsible for automated processing and management of knowledge graphs, providing intelligent services to improve efficiency, reduce costs and enhance user experience. They leverage machine learning and natural language processing technologies to process large-scale data efficiently.
Data acquisition and processing
Automatically collect information from multiple sources to help build and expand the knowledge base.
Quality control
Use algorithms to check the accuracy and relevance of knowledge, ensuring the quality of the knowledge graph.
Intelligent recommendations
Recommend relevant knowledge content based on user behaviour and preferences.
Natural language processing
Analyse and understand natural language data to improve the semantic structure and retrievability of the knowledge graph.
Designed for Social Media
and 1 Billion+ users around the world
Technical Features
Cassava Protocol establishes a network that works within the blockchain paradigm to collect, store, and analyse user data, enabling Cassava Protocol to perform ordered data processing tasks under unbounded expansion.
AI-based Endpoint Defense Technologies
ZK-C Data Stream Encryption Technology
Distributed Training of AI Large Models
Economic Model
Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Ecological Roles
The Cassava Protocol network has introduced four types of ecological contributors
Industry Master
Data Miners
Device Network Validation Nodes
Operating Nodes
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Cassava Protocol and the Cassava Network?

The Cassava Network is a secure distributed AI data network that utilizes Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and zero-knowledge proof technologies. Based on this, the Cassava Protocol provides an open platform for mining the value of social data, managing high-quality annotated data through a data governance framework, and supporting AI access and utilization.
How does the Cassava Protocol work?

The Cassava Protocol is built on blockchain technology, creating a network for collecting, storing, and analyzing social data to realize AI-powered value mining through orderly data processing. It supports developers in accessing data in SQL format and integrating the result sets into smart contracts, providing tamper-proof data processing and fast queries.
Is it safe and legal?

The Cassava Protocol platform adopts an FHE scheme, supporting encrypted data contributions that allow enterprises to perform algorithmic analysis on users' encrypted data while protecting user privacy, in compliance with strict data protection regulations such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
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